Home of Lynda Weinman’s “Homegurrrl” page.
Where to go for a wealth of info on creating low bandwidth,
non-dithered graphics. Where to subscribe to the Web
Designers’ mailing list. Where to read about
Lynda’s books, “Designing Web Graphics,”
“Deconstructing Web Graphics” and “Coloring
Web Graphics.” If you haven’t read them, you could
probably being doing it better. How to order Lynda’s
books. Thank you, Lynda! Suzanne
When does talented designer and self-appointed arbiter of
good taste David Siegel sleep? Check out his design firm
Verso’s page. Or go to his personal pages and
don’t miss “Web Wonk,” a series of tips for
Web designers and writers that’ll change the way you
approach Web design forever. Visit “HighFive” for
a new award-winning site announced every Wednesday, and be
sure to read David’s insightful critiques. To learn how
they did it, visit “Killersites,” and read the
book. Suzanne Stephens